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Coronavirus and DCI Camp Cancellations

Welcome to Bandtober! Here in our blog we will discuss trending band topics that are important to the band and music education community.

Today’s topic is DCI camp cancellations.

From Bluecoats to Spirit of Atlanta and all in between, many of the March and April camps have been cancelled or postponed due to coronavirus precautions. This push back of camps and recruiting will have some significant impact on many corps, especially for smaller corps. With Universities being cancelled for the year and now pushed to online classes, will we see less enrollment in camps? Will parents of high school kids let their children travel with this new virus concern? Most importantly will drill designers and arrangers adjust their original design to a possible lower enrollment at April camps? As a former corps member, we learned so much of the show at these crucial camps in the Spring. We learned several sets of our opener and developed so much endurance that we will need for the summer. So, without some of these spring camps how will corps adjust? We predict some smaller numbers on the field from larger corps and minimal drill design for smaller corps. However, we have no doubt that DCI will continue to push the envelope for original design and show concept. But, how much will they sacrifice their original ideas for this worldwide concern of the coronavirus?

We want to know your opinions of this and how multiple camps cancellations will affect DCI 2020 championships. Share our blog and your view on this topic by clicking on any of the social media links below.

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